Today opened until 18:00

Sunset at 19:26


40 Yearsof theCentreof Polish Sculpture

Sculpturein thePublicSpace.CRP ownprogramme

Welcometo the Centreof PolishSculpturein Orońsko!

You can visit exhibitions of contemporary art here, enter the 19th century interiors of Józef Brandt’s Palace, relax in the historical park or watch artists at work. The Centre of Polish Sculpture offers exhibition spaces in the museum, orangery, chapel and coach-house. We also have a café and offer catering services for guests and tourists.




In addition to organizing exhibitions, the Centre aims to pass knowledge through artistic and educational activities and through experiencing artistic events together. By actively participating in various events and workshops, our guests have an opportunity to understand art, particularly modern one, while we can show that a museum institution is not boring, nor is art hard to grasp.


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