Today opened until 18:00

Sunset at 19:26


Konstanty Laszczka

Date of birth 1865
Date of death 1956

Studies: Acadèmie Julian, Paris, 1891–1892, at Antoine Marciè. Then he continued studies at the Ēcole Nationale et Speciale des Beaux-Arts with Alexandre Falguière and Jean Lèon Gèrŏme, 1892–1896. From 1899 to 1935 professor and head of the Department of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Its vice chancellor in the years 1911 -1912 and 1929-1931. Author of sculptures, medals, paintings and ceramics. He wrote features and books about art, inter alia: Gawędy z uczniami [Chats with students], Warsaw, 1927, as well as a course book Ceramika artystyczna [Artistic ceramics], Warsaw 1928. Awarded the Gold Academic Laurel of the Polish Academy of Literature for merits to Polish art. In Dobre, near Minsk Mazowiecki, you can find the Konstanty Laszczka Social Museum.

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